Hoshiko Yamane 3rd solo album


 1. Flutter
2. Threads
3. Repose
4. White Feathers
5. One’s Destination
6. Tangled
7. Unraveling
8. Fly Away
9. Go Over
10. The Genial Sunshine
11. What We Should Protect

All tracks written and produced Hoshiko Yamane

Artwork by Eduard Bigas

Hoshiko Yamane‘s music flutters like a young butterfly, perhaps one just born. The Japanese violinist is based in Berlin, and she’s a current member of Tangerine Dream. On her third solo album, Threads, her violin sings with the positivity of direct, youthful sunlight. Radiant and energetic, but well-paced and sensitive of its place, her violin is blown as if on the lightest of spring winds; an unraveling series of dawn-lit notes which take flight as soon as the sun rises…(read more)



released on June.15.2018
from 1631 Recordings

CD available here:1631 Recordings,groove unlimited



I’m very happy to announce here about my first solo EP release.

“A Story Of A Man” released on Nov. 10th from 1631 Recordings. You can listen to all music on Spotify and download from Bandcamp.



Thank you 1631 Recordings for the release and Thank you sonorspace about release information and Review of my new EP.

With “A Story Of A Man” present us the Japanse violinists and composer Hoshiko Yamane finally her first solo violin EP for 1631 Recordings. An EP that was written and produced besides many of her other ongoing projects like Tangerine Dream. Since 2011 she has been playing in the legendary electronic formation that was founded by the music genius Edgar Froese in 1967 and pioneered the genre with more than 100 albums and celestial soundtrack (“Grand Theft Auto V”). Alongside Tangerine Dream, she worked and works also on several musical projects, for instance “”Tukico”, a solo project that mixes violin sounds with Techno music.

Furthermore, she worked and played together with notable artists such as Ceeys from Berlin, the Erased Tapes artist and vibraphone player Masayoshi Fujita or singer/songwriter Jane Birkin. With “A Story Of A Man” combines Hoshiko her experiences that she made over the last year with her wonderful virtuosic violin play. Especially on the captivating, up-tempo piece “Into The Dark” scintillate the highly talented composer, who has been playing the violin since the age of 4. Also, the opener “Before The Dawn”, a canonical track that was composed around two different themes and the other works are wonderful musical pulsating, atmospheric classical musical blisses. ​
Download here : 1631 Recordings

Tangerine Dream 50th Anniversary

New Album ” Quantum Gate”  release on 29th Sep. 2017



【Tangerine Dream new Album!!】
Our new CD “Quantum Gate” will be release on 29th Sep. 2017 from Pledgemusic.
We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the band.

【Next coming Tangerine Dream LIVE】
21st Oct 2017 – The Netherlands, Oirschot – Der Enck – SOLD OUT
22nd Oct 2017 – The Netherlands, Oirschot – Der Enck
7th Feb 2018 – Germany, Hamburg – Elbphilharmonie Hamburg – SOLD OUT
14th Apr 2018 Dresden, Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast
More shows to be announced soon ..

hoshiko yamane + duenn “nakaniwa” PFCD70 2017.7.17 release

1. wandering water
2. clay and shadow
3. sacred tree
4. sympathy of the light
5. the origin of life
6. trembly the surface of the water
7. innumerable chromosome
8. shaky silence
9. fly away

Listening Sound cloud


本作『nakaniwa』は、ベルリン在住でヴァイオリニスト/作曲家、現タンジェリン・ドリームのメンバーHoshiko Yamaneと、福岡在住でカセット・レーベル〈duennlabel〉を主宰する日本有数のアンビエント・アーテイストduennによるコラボレーション・アルバムである。二人の邂逅は今から3~4年前ほど前に遡る。「dommuneでHoshikoYamaneの素晴らしいライブパフォーマンスを目にし」、duenn側から彼女にコンタクトを取ったのだ。意気投合した彼らは即座にファイル交換を開始。「ベルリン~福岡の間で無数のファイルのやり取りを経て、約2年越しで作品が完成」したという。

さらに本作には二人に加え、Akiko Kiyama、Taigen Kawabe、Maxwell Croyら、3人のアーティストがゲスト参加している。
Akiko Kiyamaは、Ricardo Villalobosなどからも高く評価されている世界的なエレクトロニック・ミュージック・アーテイスト。彼女も以前からHoshiko Yamaneとduennらとリリース予定のないまま「音を足し、加工しながら制作した未発表作品のサウンド・ファイル」を制作していたのだが、本作にはその音源ファイルが使用された(3、5)。
Taigen Kawabeもサウンド・ファイルでの参加である。「彼がロンドンの大学でサウンドアートを学んでいた時にフィールド・レコーディングした音源を聴かせて貰ったところ、今回のプロジェクトの雰囲気に合いそうだと感じた」のが参加の理由だ(6、7)。
Maxwell Croyは、Maxwell CroySean McCannやMary Lattimoreとのコラボレーションでも知られる琴奏者。「バイオリン以外の楽器を取り入れてみたくなった」というduennが、共通の友人であるceler/Will longを通じてコンタクトを取ったという(8、9)。



アートワークは、1992年に中国・四川で生まれで現在は中国とイギリスに在住、2014年にロンドンの大学で写真学の修士を取得しLCC/Photofusion賞を受賞、2015年には中国で最も評価の高い<Three Shadows Photography Award>でも受賞した女性写真家のxiaoyi chenが担当している。

all written & produced by hoshiko yamane + dune

collaborated with
akiko kiyama (kebko music) M3 & 5
taigen kawabe (bo-ningen) M6 & 7
maxwell august croy M8 & 9

art work : xiaoyi chen


ALBUM RELEASE ON 29th Sep 2017


2015年にTangerine Dreamの創始者であり、バンドリーダーであったエドガーが亡くなって以来、残ったメンバー3人で試行錯誤してきました。50年続いたバンドの歴史と音楽を続けたい、次の世代へ繋げたい思いは晩年のエドガーも話していたことです。

Tangerine Dream’s new studio album Quantum Gate is due for release on September 29th 2017, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the band.

In late summer 2014, Edgar Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Ulrich Schnauss and Hoshiko Yamane began to work on what was planned to be the first album of Tangerine Dream’s Quantum Years – a new phase of the band that Edgar wanted to use to introduce a couple of substantial changes.

Consisting of himself, long term collaborator Thorsten Quaeschning (synths), violinist Hoshiko Yamane and new member Ulrich Schnauss (synths), the Quantum Years promised an updated, contemporary take on the band’s trademark sound of the 70s and 80s: sequencer-driven electronica covering a wide range of moods and atmospheres from ambient soundscapes to energetic, upbeat moments. Non-musical ideas relating to the field of quantum physics and philosophy had inspired Edgar to attempt a translation of these concepts into music.

Very sadly however Edgar passed away in early 2015 – requesting that his wife, visual artist and TD’s manager for the last 15 years, Bianca Froese-Acquaye would ensure that his vision for the Quantum Years would still be realized.

Throughout the last two years Quaeschning, Schnauss and Yamane therefore worked hard on achieving a result that would match Edgar’s expectations – as well as the ones of TD’s loyal fanbase.

It’s worth noting that the compositions appearing on the album are not only based on theoretical concepts and ideas Edgar had outlined, but also on a large number of actual musical sketches that he luckily had already prepared during the initial phase of the band’s reformation process.

Therefore, Quantum Gate is just as much a new beginning as it is a testament to Edgar’s never-withering inspiration and ever-flowing creativity.


Tangerine Dream A38 Ship Concert broadcast by the M2 TV chanel