KiSeki – 木石
Jürgen Maeno (Klangstein)
Hoshiko Yamane (Violin)
KiSeki is an experimental music group of stone and wood. Hoshiko Yamane plays the violin as material of wood with Berliner klangteinmusician (soundstone) Jürgen Heidemann. They perform original piece,witch is image from nature,and sound from stone and wood.

1st Album [Traumstein-夢の石-]
1. Oh*Pahl! – 蛋白石
2. Krumme Lanke – 湾曲湖
3. Fuji – 富士
4. Korund – 鋼玉
5. Molekuele – 分子
15 euro
released on Dec.05.2014